December 5, 2006

CRM gone wrong at Amazon

Looks like some fun things are going on with Amazon's recommendation system, according to this post. There are other good examples but I thought this one was pretty good.

Of course, recommendation systems aren't perfect--especially if you haven't built up a large base of books for them to offer recommendations for. Since I buy from Amazon maybe three or four times a year, most often when buying gifts for other people, I get some recommendations that I really don't care for--after all, what I buy for you isn't necessarily what I want. I've had an Oak Ridge Boys Christmas CD on my recommendation list for the past five years, due to me buying two of their CDs for my Grandma Mack. God bless her, she loved them but I don't have much use for their Christmas CDs. The only Christmas CD I have is Ron Spector's productions, which are pretty good. I think I might buy Frank Sinatra's too.

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