March 6, 2008

the wedding looms large

Sam and I are prepping for our upcoming wedding and one (large) part of it is selecting our "favorites" from the endless stream of music out there. For someone like me, that's a hell of a thing because there's no favorites, and half the music I pick is vetoed because it's not dance-worthy. Well, who can blame me when I can't dance?!? Like I'd know what people will dance to.

I'm going through my ipod in order to see what I like. Maybe that's the problem, I get stuck on songs that are sentimental for me, but when you're all boozy with emotions you're not thinking about people dancing--you're crying in your beer. I just need to surf the web and see what suggested lists are out there, I guess, because this whole process is getting the better for me and all I'm doing is finding music to put on my gym play list. And by the way, why the hell is there a lot of Elton John on the play list? Should I even mention that in public? Think I'll have to balance that with some Misfits . . . .

So now it's only 4 short months before the wedding. And then, the honeymoon! We'll be vacationing in the Canadian Rockies, with the centerpiece of our trip being a heli-hiking adventure for three days. Can't wait.

Music being on my mind, I want to post this song for my friend, Jess, who's got some questions of his own on the subject. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the song dedication. I sent you some on your email. Nothing good for a wedding, but as I stated in the email, good for nude listening.