January 18, 2007

mama, it's cold outside . . .

Ah, the great Louis Armstrong. Oddly enough, on the coldest day we've had yet, the song from this post's title came up on my iPod while it was on shuffle.

So yes, it's getting cold again in New England. The weather's been warm, like most of us have been experiencing (except them lemon farmers!). Oddest of all was getting off the plane a couple of Saturdays ago to a 70 degree day. Sam and I didn't look a gift horse in the mouth, however, and happily made our way to the Fells (a beautiful reservation just a half-mile from our house) and took a hike.
But now I'm getting busy again and the weather is in the teens, things are feeling like they're getting back to normal again. I gotta say, having all that free time was really getting to me--but I'm damn sure I'll long for days like these in the future.

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