I wanted to give a mention to my friend Jess Boldt's new blog called "Drunk Like Leaves". Not sure what that means and haven't had the chance to ask him about it (he started the blog yesterday) but I'm sure he'll give the reasoning behind it at some point. In the meantime, look forward to Jess linking to some obscure and hilarious stuff (the Mr. T song from this post is great), and poking his finger in the eye of society.
Technorati Tags: jess boldt, blog, drunk like leaves, friend, Mr. T, humor
Technorati Tags: jess boldt, blog, drunk like leaves, friend, Mr. T, humor
Thank you for such a glowing review. If you liked the Mr. T video and you have 50 min. to kill, then check this out http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4610575102642182602
I wish to thank you and Sam for the for the lovely Christmas card. It was very nice.
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