I've gotten pulled into the World of Google recently, having iGoogled (creating a personal Google webpage), changed over to a gmail account (Google's web-based electronic mail), re-entered the world of chat with Google's gmail application, and begun an RSS reader (Really Simple Syndication--a way to organize and read blog postings without going to each individual blog). And that's not to mention that this blog is hosted by Google. "Egads, man!" you must be thinking, "why not marry it if you love it so much?!" Well, I just might . . . if I can find a state willing to wed man and technology.
All kidding aside, it is making me wonder what the implications are, of my creating a one-stop shopping area on the Internet, via Google. I certainly have been visiting Google more often, sometimes to the point of having a good portion of the time I'm on the Internet being centered on a service Google offers. What this must be telling Google about my Internet habits, I can only guess . . . .
What else have I been busy with? Reading blogs. Lots of blogs. Mainly about the iphone, which I'll go into in just a moment. But for something other than the iphone, this item about fan fiction (also called fanfic) that was posted to the blog Boing Boing caught my attention. Check it out!

So, back to the iphone. I'm in love with it--more like lust. Alana, Sam's sister, got one recently through her business and I got to play with it. Her son, Jordan, thinks it's magic and says "I want to play with magic, mommy" when he wants to see pictures or YouTube videos on it. How could you not want something that kids think is magic?
I've been trying to get Sam to not be dead-set against me buying a $400 frivolity. In order to win her over, I've been coming up with reasons why the iphone would help me out in my everyday life. Or even when it would help me in my not-so-everyday life. This post about how the author's iphone saved a friend's life is my most recent argument. It's a good read, actually (not like the usual "thank you iphone!" dreck that's out there) and it's written by a librarian who likes to hike (sound like anyone to you?).