April 26, 2007
I have one of the one-a-day Far Side calendars and thought that this was a particularly funny one, so I wanted to share it.

another week, another project
So I'm playing hooky from my schoolwork. There's only three more projects to do but I've found way too many reasons not to do them. What have I been up to? Well, I read a comic book, read some blogs (this one is my favorite at the moment), listened to music, posted more pictures to Flickr, and tried not to play wii (which Sam bought me for my birthday).
On the topic of wii, let me give a little bit of information on it, for those of you who don't know what it is. It's a video game console, made by Nintendo, that represents a new market for video game systems. The controls are spatially interactive, meaning that you move the control within a 3-D environment and the game responds to these directions. An example of this is a baseball game, where you hold the controller like a bat and swing at the pitch. If you're playing with two players, one person controls the batter and the other the pitcher. Here's a video from youtube that shows what this type of gaming looks like:
Needless to say, playing video games on the wii is no longer just sitting your butt on the couch. This looks like it's the next generation of video games, because Nintendo and other video game programmers were able to apply this technology to create very fun and interesting games.
In other news, today I've posted new photos to flickr (see photostream at right), mainly because I wanted to show you all a picture of my daily torment. In the mornings I tend to get up around 7 or 8, have a cup of coffee and surf the Internet. Now I usually get involved in my surfing and don't get around to eating until 10 or so (it's just about 9.45am at the moment and my stomach is starting to grumble). Because of this, I have temptations that I face daily, this being the Entemann truck that's delivering its wares to the supermarket across the street.

Before I get light-headed and goofy from not eating, I'll end this post with my weekly tunes. Since it's spring and the weather is cooperating, I've decided to post a couple of happy-go-lucky tunes. The first of these is Van (the man) Morrison's "Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile)" which is full of hand-clapping and la-da-da's. The second is The Velvet Underground's "Beginning To See the Light" which has a great lyric: "some people work very hard but never seem to get it right."
Next blog I'll try to post some videos that Sam and I took on our last hiking excursion to the Ipswitch Wildlife Sanctuary, where we saw a beaver and a very large snapping turtle and lots of mating birds. Oh boy!
On the topic of wii, let me give a little bit of information on it, for those of you who don't know what it is. It's a video game console, made by Nintendo, that represents a new market for video game systems. The controls are spatially interactive, meaning that you move the control within a 3-D environment and the game responds to these directions. An example of this is a baseball game, where you hold the controller like a bat and swing at the pitch. If you're playing with two players, one person controls the batter and the other the pitcher. Here's a video from youtube that shows what this type of gaming looks like:
Needless to say, playing video games on the wii is no longer just sitting your butt on the couch. This looks like it's the next generation of video games, because Nintendo and other video game programmers were able to apply this technology to create very fun and interesting games.
In other news, today I've posted new photos to flickr (see photostream at right), mainly because I wanted to show you all a picture of my daily torment. In the mornings I tend to get up around 7 or 8, have a cup of coffee and surf the Internet. Now I usually get involved in my surfing and don't get around to eating until 10 or so (it's just about 9.45am at the moment and my stomach is starting to grumble). Because of this, I have temptations that I face daily, this being the Entemann truck that's delivering its wares to the supermarket across the street.
Before I get light-headed and goofy from not eating, I'll end this post with my weekly tunes. Since it's spring and the weather is cooperating, I've decided to post a couple of happy-go-lucky tunes. The first of these is Van (the man) Morrison's "Jackie Wilson Said (I'm In Heaven When You Smile)" which is full of hand-clapping and la-da-da's. The second is The Velvet Underground's "Beginning To See the Light" which has a great lyric: "some people work very hard but never seem to get it right."
Next blog I'll try to post some videos that Sam and I took on our last hiking excursion to the Ipswitch Wildlife Sanctuary, where we saw a beaver and a very large snapping turtle and lots of mating birds. Oh boy!
Van Morrison,
Velvet Underground,
April 19, 2007
flickr and books and tags, oh my!
So you may have noticed that I've added some new "thingies" to the right of the blog. I've been playing around with widgets (as they're called) to see if I could pimp my blog. It's all in the spirit of trying to make this blog feel more like it's mine--that and I see other people doing really cool things with their blogs, so I wanted to do it with mine. In the future I'm going to try and fix the page's code so it opens up the space a little more--you may notice that there's a lot of wasted space on the blog, with such wide margins. It's not my fault, it's the template that blogger provides. That'll all change, hopefully after the semester ends.
I wanted to just briefly mention what those widgets on the right are. I've already talked about the flickr tag--which is really awesome--but the three books listed from my library are just as cool. These are books that I've cataloged at LibraryThing--books that I own--and this widget is giving three random books from that catalog. There's a lot of cool ways that LibraryThing has been used. I'll save that for an upcoming post (let's hope!), mainly because I've realized I haven't been blogging about my profession at all. Shameful.
The other widget is what's referred to as a "tag cloud." It's a list of tags that I've applied to websites I've tagged on delicious. This widget takes those tags and aggregates them in a visual manner so that you can tell which tags are more often applied, judging from the size and shade of color of the tag. So, you notice the tag "folksonomy" is really big and dark. That's because I've applied the tag of "folksonomy" more often than other tags, such as "destination," which is tiny and lightly-shaded. Pretty cool, huh? If you're interested in learning more about these new Internet applications, I'd suggest going to the websites themselves. Links are provided on the widget itself--just look for the little blurb.
I wanted to just briefly mention what those widgets on the right are. I've already talked about the flickr tag--which is really awesome--but the three books listed from my library are just as cool. These are books that I've cataloged at LibraryThing--books that I own--and this widget is giving three random books from that catalog. There's a lot of cool ways that LibraryThing has been used. I'll save that for an upcoming post (let's hope!), mainly because I've realized I haven't been blogging about my profession at all. Shameful.
The other widget is what's referred to as a "tag cloud." It's a list of tags that I've applied to websites I've tagged on delicious. This widget takes those tags and aggregates them in a visual manner so that you can tell which tags are more often applied, judging from the size and shade of color of the tag. So, you notice the tag "folksonomy" is really big and dark. That's because I've applied the tag of "folksonomy" more often than other tags, such as "destination," which is tiny and lightly-shaded. Pretty cool, huh? If you're interested in learning more about these new Internet applications, I'd suggest going to the websites themselves. Links are provided on the widget itself--just look for the little blurb.
library science,
April 16, 2007
oh dear . . .
today's title comes from a favorite saying of a kid i used to work with while at the front desk at the hotel. he was a goofy kid named wayne tee from singapore who just wanted to stay in the united states (ended up he had to leave once his work visa lapsed, which the hotel's hr department was to blame for). whenever he made a mistake, he would draw out an "oh dear" just like someone saying "oh shit" and i would know he just really screwed up something. usually what happened was that he gave someone the wrong key, so inevitably he would have to run and catch them before they walked into someone else's room (oh yes, inevitably the room key he did give them was for an occupied room). wasn't the smoothest ride, working with him, but it usually was entertaining to see how many ways he could screw up.
anyway, i'm writing this just as i'm feeling 100% again, as i've spent the past three days with food poisoning or a stomach bug or something. i couldn't even look at the computer i was so sick. hell, friday was nothing but me lying prone next to the toilet. it was such an enjoyable way for me to begin a long weekend (today is patriots' day, so sam and i both have it off). it really put a crimp on my timeline for projects--i have three papers due next monday, one of which i planned on having done saturday but i'll start work on today. i also had a ticket to see the red sox play the anaheim angels yesterday but we've had a nor'easter come through that rained it out--what luck! as i'm writing now, the worst of it is here, as it's pouring down rain and the winds are really blowing. today is the boston marathon, which they'll be running regardless of the weather, but nobody'll be making any records today, because they'll be running head-long into the wind.
sam and i have found an irish rabbi in boston--where else but in boston would you find one, except maybe new york?--that we're considering to have officiate at our wedding. i hear that the glass he has you break at the end is really a shot glass filled with jameson.
this week's music is all about the hard-working blue-collared man. they're also both country songs--wonder if there's any connection? i hope you enjoy lefty frizzell's "saginaw, michigan" and loretta lynn's "coal miner's daughter".
anyway, i'm writing this just as i'm feeling 100% again, as i've spent the past three days with food poisoning or a stomach bug or something. i couldn't even look at the computer i was so sick. hell, friday was nothing but me lying prone next to the toilet. it was such an enjoyable way for me to begin a long weekend (today is patriots' day, so sam and i both have it off). it really put a crimp on my timeline for projects--i have three papers due next monday, one of which i planned on having done saturday but i'll start work on today. i also had a ticket to see the red sox play the anaheim angels yesterday but we've had a nor'easter come through that rained it out--what luck! as i'm writing now, the worst of it is here, as it's pouring down rain and the winds are really blowing. today is the boston marathon, which they'll be running regardless of the weather, but nobody'll be making any records today, because they'll be running head-long into the wind.
sam and i have found an irish rabbi in boston--where else but in boston would you find one, except maybe new york?--that we're considering to have officiate at our wedding. i hear that the glass he has you break at the end is really a shot glass filled with jameson.
this week's music is all about the hard-working blue-collared man. they're also both country songs--wonder if there's any connection? i hope you enjoy lefty frizzell's "saginaw, michigan" and loretta lynn's "coal miner's daughter".
country music,
red sox,
wayne tee,
April 10, 2007
recent happenings (a list)
1. i was denied employment by the BPL, due to residency requirements
2. i was denied an interview for a job at Simmons, due to the fact that i didn't introduce myself to a certain individual
3. i was permitted to apply for another, more interesting job, at Simmons
4. i was denied an uneventful drive to Vermont this past weekend, as a New Hampshire trooper clocked me going 81 in a 65 mph zone
5. samantha and i got a complimentary room at the inn at essex, so we could consider it for our wedding
6. the fire alarm went off at 4.30 am
7. we found the inn at essex to be the ideal location for our wedding (see video below!)
so it wasn't such a bad week, but i did take some hard knocks. the inn at essex is a great place--it's a culinary school, so the students will be cooking for the wedding. they've got some great food, and even a few celebrities make sure they get to eat (or stay) at the inn. apparently, while we were eating in the tavern, the bassist for Phish (Mike Gordon--who has a questionable taste in art) was there. i told the man who pointed him out to me that i wasn't impressed--don't like Phish. told him i'd be more impressed if dylan was eating there. so then he told me that dylan not only ate there but passed out in one of the elevators and, when he awoke, signed the elevator. i'm going to have to hunt for that signature. another quasi-celebrity, alton brown--now on the food network--is one of the school's alumni.
sam and i are pretty excited at this point. she's a little nervous, but keeps saying that the wedding date is so far away. oh, yes, we've chosen a date--july 4th, which is the same date we met in switzerland. but that date will come soon enough . . .
and now, for music! this week it's james brown. enjoy the hardest-working man in show business as he treats you to one of his first hits, 1956's "Please, Please, Please." and I just can't but help put up a YouTube video of his dancing--watch the beginning, as he glides across the floor to the mike. try it for yourself, but just try not to get hurt!
2. i was denied an interview for a job at Simmons, due to the fact that i didn't introduce myself to a certain individual
3. i was permitted to apply for another, more interesting job, at Simmons
4. i was denied an uneventful drive to Vermont this past weekend, as a New Hampshire trooper clocked me going 81 in a 65 mph zone
5. samantha and i got a complimentary room at the inn at essex, so we could consider it for our wedding
6. the fire alarm went off at 4.30 am
7. we found the inn at essex to be the ideal location for our wedding (see video below!)
so it wasn't such a bad week, but i did take some hard knocks. the inn at essex is a great place--it's a culinary school, so the students will be cooking for the wedding. they've got some great food, and even a few celebrities make sure they get to eat (or stay) at the inn. apparently, while we were eating in the tavern, the bassist for Phish (Mike Gordon--who has a questionable taste in art) was there. i told the man who pointed him out to me that i wasn't impressed--don't like Phish. told him i'd be more impressed if dylan was eating there. so then he told me that dylan not only ate there but passed out in one of the elevators and, when he awoke, signed the elevator. i'm going to have to hunt for that signature. another quasi-celebrity, alton brown--now on the food network--is one of the school's alumni.
sam and i are pretty excited at this point. she's a little nervous, but keeps saying that the wedding date is so far away. oh, yes, we've chosen a date--july 4th, which is the same date we met in switzerland. but that date will come soon enough . . .
and now, for music! this week it's james brown. enjoy the hardest-working man in show business as he treats you to one of his first hits, 1956's "Please, Please, Please." and I just can't but help put up a YouTube video of his dancing--watch the beginning, as he glides across the floor to the mike. try it for yourself, but just try not to get hurt!
Bob Dylan,
inn at essex,
james brown,
April 5, 2007
takin' it to the streets . . . with holy war!
Five minutes before getting ready to close the library, I tend to aimlessly surf the internet. Tonight I was blessed with images of american jihad--holy war, that is. Be the first on your block to know about the Episcopalian Holy War!
I forgot to post my weekly music when writing my last post. Knew I had forgotten something . . .
Well, this week I've been reading Barry Miles' biography of Frank Zappa, so I figured I'd put up some Mothers of Invention (Zappa's band's name). The first one, Valarie, is a great doo-wop tune. The second is a tune he played quite a bit, My Guitar Wants to Kill Your Mama. Enjoy!
Well, this week I've been reading Barry Miles' biography of Frank Zappa, so I figured I'd put up some Mothers of Invention (Zappa's band's name). The first one, Valarie, is a great doo-wop tune. The second is a tune he played quite a bit, My Guitar Wants to Kill Your Mama. Enjoy!
'possum vs. opossum
It's an interesting opposition, 'possum vs. opossum. Very delicate.
So it looks like the end of the world is upon us. Jess has begun blogging again, and my friend James Fegley just sent me this picture of an alien that must represent the vanguard of the coming invasion. See below for the terrifying truth!
In other news, it looks like I won't be able to get the job at the Boston Public Library, due to residency rules. Apparently HR is just a little more strict than these people thought (no shit?!?). I kind of got the idea when, on Monday, I opened my fortune cookie and it said something to the tune of "the joy of life is in the journey, not the destination." Dammit, fortune cookie, you ruined my life!
My semester is really gearing up at the moment. Lots of projects coming due, keeping me very busy. This weekend Sam and I will be visiting the Inn at Essex, which will end up being the last place we visit for possible wedding sites. We just don't have the time to keep looking, have to book something soon. This place looks great, near Burlington VT, they even gave us a complimentary room for the night. It's dubbed "Vermont's Culinary Resort" because the chefs all come from the New England Culinary Institute. I'll keep you posted on how it goes, just keep your peepers on this site.
The weekend after this one I get to see my first Red Sox game of the season--go Sox! I'm sure to give my Uncle George a phone call while I'm there--he's a fun guy to talk baseball to, because his knowledge of baseball is encyclopedic. That and he gets a real kick out of it when I call.
Technorati Tags: baseball, wedding, Red Sox, libraries, library, alien, invasion,
So it looks like the end of the world is upon us. Jess has begun blogging again, and my friend James Fegley just sent me this picture of an alien that must represent the vanguard of the coming invasion. See below for the terrifying truth!
In other news, it looks like I won't be able to get the job at the Boston Public Library, due to residency rules. Apparently HR is just a little more strict than these people thought (no shit?!?). I kind of got the idea when, on Monday, I opened my fortune cookie and it said something to the tune of "the joy of life is in the journey, not the destination." Dammit, fortune cookie, you ruined my life!
My semester is really gearing up at the moment. Lots of projects coming due, keeping me very busy. This weekend Sam and I will be visiting the Inn at Essex, which will end up being the last place we visit for possible wedding sites. We just don't have the time to keep looking, have to book something soon. This place looks great, near Burlington VT, they even gave us a complimentary room for the night. It's dubbed "Vermont's Culinary Resort" because the chefs all come from the New England Culinary Institute. I'll keep you posted on how it goes, just keep your peepers on this site.
The weekend after this one I get to see my first Red Sox game of the season--go Sox! I'm sure to give my Uncle George a phone call while I'm there--he's a fun guy to talk baseball to, because his knowledge of baseball is encyclopedic. That and he gets a real kick out of it when I call.
Technorati Tags: baseball, wedding, Red Sox, libraries, library, alien, invasion,
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